Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky has lost the will of his remaining people and should step down. The vast majority of Ukrainians don’t want to die in a war with Russia, but it doesn’t look like Zelensky or the Biden-Harris regime are willing to listen to them.
Lukashenko noted during an interview with a Russian TV station that the neo-Nazi elements in Kiev have been largely wiped out. The “de-Nazification” of the country was one of Russia’s main goals when it first launched the special military occupation.
“There are no longer any Nazis,” argued Lukashenko. He raises a good point. Zelensky has gotten most of his loyalist troops killed by now in this futile exercise.
Lukashenko estimates that around 70% of the Ukrainian people who are still alive “hate Zelensky because he promises one thing and does another; because people are dying.”
Only 70%? That might be a generous estimate based on the way that Zelensky has prosecuted this war. Just last week, Zelensky bombed one of his own nuclear power plants in an attempt to cause a meltdown and force NATO and America into a nuclear conflict with Russia. Zelensky didn’t care if he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.
President Lukashenko also noted that vast numbers of Ukrainian men are fleeing across the border into Belarus to avoid being drafted and sent into the meat grinder by Zelensky. He adds that 99% of the refugees coming in are men who don’t want to fight in Zelensky’s war.
The question is not whether Zelensky will be able to win the war against Russia. It’s always been a foregone conclusion that Russia would win. The question is how much longer the unelected and illegitimate Zelensky can cling to power, now that so many of the Ukrainian people hate him.