As pro-war globalists gather in D.C. for their annual NATO summit at the grand Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium on Constitution Avenue, their top priority is to entangle the U.S. in the Russia-Ukraine conflict permanently. This America Last crowd has devised a plan to trap the U.S. into this never-ending war further, making it harder for President Trump to deliver the peace he promised.
At the heart of this globalist scheme is a proposed new agreement among NATO members to admit Ukraine into the alliance, which provoked the Russia-Ukraine War in the first place. This senseless war has caused up to a million casualties and created millions of refugees.
Meanwhile, military contractors have been lobbying leaders of both parties to expand NATO’s reach worldwide while funneling millions to congressional candidates willing to support their deadly agenda. So, it’s hardly surprising that members of Congress from both sides are lining up to expand NATO and waste billions of taxpayer dollars.
Not Trump. He beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 by describing NATO as “obsolete” while pointing out that Russia would never have attacked Ukraine if he had been president.
Anticipating Trump’s return to the White House, NATO globalists want to lock the U.S. into a pledge of at least $43 billion in new military support for Ukraine over the next year. This month, Biden and European countries are sending dozens of expensive F-16 fighters to Ukraine, which can strike Russian cities with deadly missiles.
Every time Ukraine uses American weapons to hit a target in Russia, it puts Americans at risk of retaliation by Russia, which could include nuclear warheads. Russia has vowed to retaliate against the U.S. for attacks inflicted by U.S. weapons, and Biden should not be putting Americans in harm’s way like this.
Last month, Biden announced a ridiculous 10-year military commitment to Ukraine. This is designed to tie President Trump’s hands in his second term so Democrats in Congress can seek to impeach him if he cancels this wrongful agreement.
Those at the NATO summit in D.C. want to establish a command center at a U.S. base in Wiesbaden, Germany, along with other hubs in Eastern Europe, to force greater participation in this misguided war against Russia. Increased Western training of Ukrainian soldiers is on this summit’s agenda, which could easily lead to sending American advisers and then troops to the battlefield, just like in Vietnam.
Most Americans are unaware that this month, the United States is being drawn further into this war with Russia due to the advanced new weaponry Biden is shipping there. Tensions have recently increased because of this escalation, with Russia launching new strikes on Ukrainian air bases in anticipation of the F-16 fighter planes.
Moscow is barely 500 miles from the Ukraine border, well within the range of a missile launched by an American-made F-16. Soon, deadly missiles from Russia could be striking the Western world in retaliation, and U.S. military bases could become targets if NATO is allowed to entangle us further in this war.
Leadership from the Republican Party, in addition to Trump, is needed at this critical moment. Congressional leaders should vow to reject sending more weapons and funding to fight a hopeless war against Russia. During this war, there are no American interests at stake.