When America’s Borders Fail, Your Small Town Isn’t Safe—Just Ask This Teen

Fahroni / shutterstock.com

Another day, another tragic headline—this time, a teenage girl in Indiana became the latest victim of our porous borders and failed immigration policies. As if you needed more proof that the border crisis isn’t just a problem for Texas or Arizona, here’s a chilling reminder that it’s an issue for all of us, no matter where we live.

Imagine you’re just trying to enjoy a typical Saturday at the ballpark, watching your brother play baseball. But then, out of nowhere, a man randomly stabs you in the hand and takes off running. This horrifying scene was the reality for a 14-year-old girl in Lowell, Indiana. She wasn’t in a dark alley or a crime-ridden neighborhood—she was at a local baseball game. Yet, her day took a nightmarish turn thanks to a man who shouldn’t have even been in the country.

The man in question? Dimas Gabriel Yanez, a 26-year-old Honduran national, who had already been deported once. He wasn’t supposed to be here, yet somehow, here he was, running through cornfields in Lake County, Indiana, trying to evade law enforcement after stabbing a teenage girl. This was not a random occurrence; it was a direct result of a severely broken immigration system.

Yanez’s story doesn’t stop at being a mere illegal immigrant. No, he’s reportedly tied to organized crime—a lovely addition to our country, right? According to Sheriff Oscar Martinez Jr., Yanez was in the process of cutting his hair to change his appearance when authorities finally caught up with him. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what kind of person is changing their appearance while on the run. Spoiler alert: It’s not someone with good intentions.

As if this situation couldn’t get any worse, law enforcement also revealed that Yanez tried to attack the girl’s mother when she intervened. A teenager was stabbed, and a mother almost attacked—all while at a family event. The weapon in question? A butcher-style knife. Yes, you read that right—a knife typically used for cutting meat, not stabbing children at baseball games.

This incident serves as the latest in a string of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants who should never have been in the country in the first place. Let’s take a quick look at some other recent examples: In February, Laken Riley was allegedly killed by a Venezuelan national. A Salvadoran national is accused of killing a mother of five in Maryland last year, and in June, two Venezuelan nationals allegedly sexually assaulted and murdered 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

And yet, some politicians still insist on championing “sanctuary city” laws, as if shielding criminals from deportation somehow makes us safer. Indiana’s Attorney General, Todd Rokita, isn’t buying it. He’s been vocal about his disdain for these so-called “sanctuary” policies, threatening lawsuits against any jurisdiction in the state that dares to put its citizens at risk by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

Rokita’s message is clear: The United States should welcome immigrants who respect our laws and contribute positively to our society. But those who think they can flout our laws, enter the country illegally, and then commit heinous crimes? They have no place here. It’s a simple concept, yet it seems to be lost on some of our nation’s leaders.

As for Yanez, he’s now in custody, and the Department of Homeland Security has been notified. But the question remains: How many more innocent lives will be destroyed before we finally take our border security seriously? How many more teenage girls will be stabbed, how many more mothers will have to fight off attackers, and how many more families will be shattered because of criminals who never should have set foot on American soil?

It’s time for our leaders to stop playing political games with our safety. It’s time to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws—before another innocent life is lost.
