Rashida Tlaib Turns Against Biden for the Dem Primary

Phil Pasquini / shutterstock.com
Phil Pasquini / shutterstock.com

By now, we all know that Democratic President Joe Biden is likely to win his party’s nomination for reelection. However, one woman could put a serious kink in his efforts to win the general election.

Enter liberal Michigan Representative and “squad” member Rashida Tlaib.

No, Tlaib has not decided to run for the Oval Office herself. However, she is calling for her constituents and Muslims everywhere to turn against Biden in the upcoming primaries.

To be clear, there aren’t a whole lot of other options besides Biden in the Democratic primary. Marianne Williamson suspended her bid for the White House just recently, leaving only Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips to combat Biden for Democratic votes.

Another thing to note is that Tlaib is not suggesting her constituents vote for anyone else.

Instead, as she said in a recent video filmed in Dearborn, Michigan, she’s instructed them to “vote uncommitted.”

The reason why should be pretty self-explanatory by now. As you likely know, Tlaib is a Muslim and a self-proclaimed “Palestinian.” As such, she’s no fan of Biden’s continued allegiance to Israel and their self-preservation.

And neither are a good many residents of Dearborn or her home state. If you didn’t know, Dearborn has been nicknamed “America’s Jihad Capital” in recent years, and Michigan has one of the most densely Muslim populations in the nation.

So, Tlaib is calling for Michiganders to “not only march against the genocide, not only makes sure that we’re calling our members of Congress and local electeds and passing city resolutions, all throughout our country.”

It is also important to create a voting bloc, something that is a bullhorn to say, ‘Enough is enough.’ Right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. If you want us to be louder, then come here and vote ‘uncommitted.’”

Now, as I mentioned before, having hundreds, even thousands, vote “uncommitted” isn’t likely to change the fact that Biden will win the state’s Democratic primary. However, when it comes to the general election, it may be more than enough to pull votes from Biden and give the White House back to the GOP, presumably Trump.

Naturally, that hasn’t exactly made her very popular among her fellow liberals.



Of course, I doubt that’s Tlaib’s intention. She just doesn’t want Biden to win, or at least she wants to send a very resounding message. Depending on how the primary goes, her message may be enough to get Biden to change his mind on Israel.

Should that happen, come the general election, Muslims will no doubt fall in line with a Democratic vote for him. If he doesn’t, it’s game over for the Biden administration.


Of course, that may happen with or without Tlaib’s interference.

After all, there is still a pretty well-known and respected third-party contender out there who could pull votes from Biden. And those pulled votes are far more likely to come from the Democratic side of the aisle than the Republican one, seeing as Robert F. Kennedy Jr was a Democrat up until recently.

In any case, this isn’t good news for the Biden campaign, especially on top of everything else they are facing at the moment.